Wednesday, October 26, 2011

how to enjoy a cup of 3-in-1 instant coffee

My childhood memories of coffee has always been the instant coffee and or the roasted rice coffee. I always love the freshly brewed rice coffee, but not the instant coffee. The first time I tasted a real coffee bean espresso based drink was not so long ago, about 6 years ago. I remember it well because that was the time when I started dating my boyfriend which now is my husband. He was the one who introduced me to the real coffee, I now love and enjoy.

I fell inlove with the coffee (as well as my hubby) since then, I never gave a the instant coffee a chance to prove itself worthy of my taste buds. Until last week, I got interested about the white coffee instant mix. I did an experiment of pouring a steamed milk in it instead of the regular hot water. To my surprise, I was amazed of how it tasted!  Very creamy,  it has the coffee taste now, but we all know that it is still a processed coffee, not the fresh one. I'd give a fair score. I knew that there something still missing, so I tried adding a freshly brewed espresso, Finally i got the taste that I wanted. The instant coffee mix together with the steamed milk gave the creamy taste and at the same time, it somehow subdue the bitter taste of espresso a little bit. While the espresso gives the freshly brewed coffee taste that I'm looking for. So here it is, my recipe of

3-in-1 instant coffee with espresso and steamed milk
(the title quite says it all)

1 pack of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix
1 espresso
1/3 steamed milk/ hot milk (not scalded)
sugar and or cinnamon to taste

Pour 1 pack of instant coffee mix in a cup, pour the espresso and mix. Add the steamed milk/hot milk slowly while mixing it with the coffee. Add sugar if desired, and cinnamon for a lively taste.

If happens you have a chance of making one, try it, you may like the taste.