Tuesday, November 15, 2011

brain equation

A right kind of classical music + freshly brewed good coffee + review notes + and a few minutes rest in between = makes my brain activated in its maximum performance. 

( I hope to keep it this way until the judgement day arrives, hopefully by God's will I could make it)


classical music = mostly baroque, or Mozart, Bach, and other few classical composers

good coffee = is usually freshly grounded, and freshly brewed, any kind of hot coffee drinks will do may it be plain brewed coffee, cappuccino, creamy latte, full flavored mocha, fancy caramel latte and much more....

review notes = keep it short, condensed organized information, a small notebook will do (that you can bring anywhere when you have time to scan and read). Have only a  one or two review materials that is good enough to cover every subject that needed, maybe three would do if time doesn't matter much.

rest in between = and lastly remember to have short breaks in between study time, for the brain to be able to digest every information that has entered in the memory bank.

I hope this one helps.