About the Writer

Christine or should I say Tinee (her nickname) is a blogger since last year of November. She started this blogspot as a expression of her thoughts, knowledge on random things specially coffee and tea, of her feelings, and to keep track of the events happening to her or around her.

For Tinee she finds Writing interesting and a skill needed to be developed and honed in passing time, but at the same time she benefits from it by the therapy it offers keeping her sanity. It's like hitting two birds with one stone.

She's a newbie in writing, but she's in the field of Medical Technology and by heart a Medical Technologist. She plans to take masteral in the future when there's a chance. She loves Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Hematology (Study of the Human Blood), and Clinical Microbiology (Study of Microogranisms specifically Bacteria).

Her other interest are Coffee and Tea. She loves coffee, she makes coffee at home, and self-educated herself by researching in the net and by buying books about coffee, and recently she attended a free 2 week Barista Training. Thanks to her brother and sister-in-law who took time to give her a coffee set last Christmas 2010, which she really appreciated and loved most, and for her family members who give a gift of bag of beans through out the years, her much appreciation and thanks. And to her daughter which is her inspiration and her husband she dearly love who's always there and never ceased to drink or gulp the espresso her wife made even if it's bad shot, her unspeakable joy and outpouring thankgiving and love.

If you wanna join her in the journey of stories about life, coffee and tea, medical stuff and anything in this earth, You are much welcome!

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