Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The List

"The list"

The last two months was a roller coaster ride. One day I was happy, the other day we'll not so extraordinary day, then came the day I was frightened of the future possibilities, then i got depress then after more soul searching and worries i got even more depress. But when I got to the point i needed to breathe out, I realize that the world is marble. Sometimes you're up sometimes your down. And I kinda getting the whole story now, and to realize that anything can happen in this life which is mostly beyond our control, being flexible at any situation is a plus and a must.

I got new motivation, new goals, inspiration, in short i'm strengthen by the waves and storms that comes and go. I have in here a short random list of well, "what to do":

1.) Be with my daughter, play with her, talk and listen to her always (in simple words, attend to her needs)
2.) Gotta catch-up to my spiritual needs (need to acquire the habit of praying in the morning and evening)
3.) Lose some weight (i have a target goal of weights to lose)
4.) Read Jane Austen's book/novel (while watching the tv series version)
5.) Read random books (spiritual, theology, literature, medical technology,and more...)
6.) Read "The Hobbit" and watch the animated version of the it.
     (In preparation for the movie coming this  december)
7.) Write more often to my blog (really had to, this is to keep track of story each day we had, and hopefully inspire other as well if it  happens they read this site).

So far, this is the list i had in mind as of the moment, but i know for sure more list is coming on the way... ( I just know)

adds on: I wrote this blog here in Highlands Coffee along E.Rodriguez St.,they have these free use of pc and internet. How cool is that?! and to add more, one can get a large cup of regular cappuccino or latte for only 99 pesos. This is a real nice deal. Have a cup of great day! ^_^

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