Saturday, September 24, 2011

How To Lose Weight

"How to lose Weight" is an old self-help book title that you may have come across many times in almost all regular bookstore, but seriously, those old traditional of "how to..." really works, if you try. Here's the story how i did it, and continually doing the trick.

Giving birth is definitely a wonderful experience, it actually gives more reason to lose pounds, but after that,... few more months or a year or so?!... I gained the weight I put on when I was pregnant. My metabolism got stagnant and there I am gaining more pounds and pounds that didn't bother me until to the point that I said to myself, "hey, i can't wear my after birth clothes and pants! why is that?" and when I look at the reflection, "hmmm... i think there's something wrong, why do i look fatter than before?" little did I  notice, "Oh yeah it was the double chin? and it's starting to triple? oh my...." as I gasped. That's the time I started to become serious about my health and appearance as well. I started to research about my sudden weight gain, there I realized that I'm not exercising enough, and that I eat poor diet meals, and maybe had a vitamin deficiency because of irregular intake of vitamins and minerals. I am that time losing my hope and got deppressed even more.

After a year of enduring the depression and lots of criticism and insult. Last August, Me and my husband realized something very important, and that is "We better take an action, before it's to late". Since that day, we started the 7 day 1,800 calorie diet. After that week, we started the low calorie, high fiber moderate protein diet together with daily vitamins intake. I also started walking few round in the stairs every morning. After I got bored walking in the stairs, I started jumping ropes for 30mins everyday. Taking supplements is very effective as well.

Yesterday, we were at the depatment store and I saw a weighing scale, and stepped into it. I was surprised of what I saw, I weight 65 kilos, so instantly I converted into pounds, and the result, around 143 pounds. I was so amazed, I knew for a certain that last July I was in a  hundred and 70 pounds. I must really lost a lot of weight. 26 pounds all-in-all for just 1 month and 3 weeks to be exact. Oh my, I'm so excited to get back to my old self.

These are the lessons I learned:
1.) Quit while you're ahead. Quit the poor diet that you're into, Don't let your body suffer from illness that could have been avoid.

2.) Action speaks louder than words. Just do it. Eat healthy, be active, take supplements if you have to.

3.) And lastly have fun and enjoy the changes, do it for yourself and for others.

For more questions and detailed info, of how i did it, just write it down in the comment/response box, and i will get to it as soon as i read it. ^_^ TakeCare!

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