Saturday, August 18, 2012

the Nescafe 3-in-1 Creamy Latte

After depriving myself of caffeinated coffee beans (to avoid high BP on my hubby's part) my body wasn't really satisfied of the decaf coffee we had 2 weeks ago. I went to "caffeine starvation mode" and so I grab the only available coffee we had days ago and that is the 3-in-1 instant coffee. Since I knew how to work it right by accident or should we say by curiosity (but i wasn't killed =D). The fantastic discovery of instant mixed coffee with steamed/frothed/heated milk didn't fail, it was indeed a successful experiment. And I actually wrote the recipe here and published it. Here's the link,
(but no photos to demo it, so i thought of taking a picture to help describe more bout the recipe).

Not every household does have espresso maker, in fact it's very rare. Those people who owns one of these are those who loves coffee enough to save earnings to afford such not-so-necessary stuff. 
And for those who have coffee shops or coffee businesses.

The good thing is one can have an alternative way of 
"how to make steamed/heated milk" in very a simple way. 
1).Heat the fresh milk into the saucepan. Just heat, don't boil.
2). To make the froth, just shake an enough amount of cold fresh milk into a close container to produce a froth. Then topped it into the hot coffee. Then cappuccino or latte is ready.

"Nescafe 3-in-1 Creamy Latte"

Try mo!

1 comment:

  1. The truth is that when it comes to making our favorite blends at home, coffee lovers are more in luck than ever. The at-home coffee and latte machine has made it possible to enjoy all our favorites without ever leaving our homes. latte machine
