Sunday, August 28, 2016

My thoughts on International tourism

Even though international tourism creates jobs for the local population in that area and it can attract foreign investors that may improve the local economy, international tourism should be considered more disadvantageous than advantageous because the culture clash that inevitably results from the interaction of the local culture with the cultures of foreign tourists tend to be detrimental. For instance, when white westerners would go to these tourist spots, people in the town would welcome them only because they see them as a money people or someone who could give them lots of money and sometimes some would make funny jokes or stereotype remarks about them. In reality it is hard to accept foreigners in a new place or town because people tend to dislike who looks and acts different from them.

The most important reason international tourism should be considered more disadvantageous than advantageous is because too much exposure and use of environment's natural resources will exhaust its own supplies, leaving nothing to the locals even to the next generation.
Take Boracay Island as an example, because too many local tourists and tourist from around the world visits Bocaray beach every now and then, environmental related problems arises such as garbage disposal problems, coral reefs disruption, ecosystem imbalance and much more.
It may have improved Boracay in becoming famous for awhile and gained economic growth, but in exchange of losing her beauty and innocence, in the long run, the locals will soon feel the effect of the ecological abuse and later on in years to come.

So you can see that although international tourism creates jobs for the local population in that area and it can attract foreign investors that may improve the local economy, international tourism should be considered more disadvantageous than advantageous for two main reasons. First, the culture clash that inevitably results from the interaction of the local culture with the cultures of foreign tourists tend to be detrimental . But most importantly, too much exposure and use of environment's natural resources will exhaust its own supplies, leaving nothing to the locals even to the next generation. And although It is easy to overlook the state of our natural environment for "greater good" of the community of that which brings food to the table in exchange of the life of our dearest mother earth, we should be responsible and be a good stewards of what God has given us, let us take action and start now by taking good care of our nature before it is too late.

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