Friday, September 9, 2011

coffee and tea cups

And so, another blogspot account has been made, this time I will make sure that I write to it (wish me luck!) I have a web blog accounts that has been abandoned, for the reason that I thought that I can't write well, even though I have bunch of thoughts in my head, I just don't know how to put it in words. My blogs may not be perfect, but I'll try to the best of my ability to be sensible (hopefully). I am here now again, ready to start to share a lot of things that I hope could help or be beneficial to those who reads this site. So here it starts, by the way I love coffee, really loves coffee, so anyone who happens to read this, realizing we have the same interest, you are very much welcome, I can share what I learn and we can exchange wisdom about our beloved coffee! 

The picture above is one of the coffee I made, it's a cafe mocha with not-so-perfect coffee art on top. Sipping a cup of coffee is a ritual in the afternoon that should not be missed, the only time i can't have one is when i run out of beans or sometimes milk or sugar, and of course when I'm out doing some important stuff. Later on, I'll be posting more coffee arts that i made in the previous, so be sure to visit this blog next time. Thanks for your time!  Oh by the way, just last month, to my amusement of the lovely taste of milk tea, I recently added it to my favorite list next to coffee and the third one, yogurt. hehe!

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