Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A very sad tueday

Yesterday? was very awful day, and horrible too! Manila was in a very disastrous storm. Early morning  I woke to go to the bathroom and after a few minutes, electricity was gone and I could hear the moaning of the wind outside. I was scared and was wondering. It went like that all day long, sometimes, the wind would stop then then rain would pour down. We have no way of how to cook our food, thankfully the water line isn't yet affected. After several hours of waiting, the electricity came, we happily jumped out bed and opened the tv for the news update. It was heart breaking knowing a lot of people was affected, there were no way they could go back to their home, it was flushed out by the storm. And there were also people who got killed. This is the how the storm "Pedring" looks like

Let's pray for those who are deeply affected. And help if we have the means.

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