Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Work With Your Brain

Why is studying or reading so tiring? I what you're thinking, yeah, your right because the brain is working to process the information that has entered and finding it's way to let it remain for as long as possible. But one of the reason is when you try to understand the material instead of just memorizing it. It takes time to understand and find the relationship of one thing to another, it is that hard.

I got to recall again and again the things I learned in my college years even up to now, the reason, i have to insert it in my long term memory to be successful professional that I'm currently still preparing for.
What do you mean successful? What I'm telling is to effectively perform what you and I'm trained for (without holding a textbook when someone ask for our knowledge about the subject, and without trying to ignore the question by saying, "uh-mm, pardon me?").  To the very least, We should know the basic things.

But the question is, How to be successful? I as said  earlier, recall the learned information. In addition, understand more, but study less. How do you do it? study in a limited time, take a break when the brain isn't working anymore or when your getting bored. Play a game instead or do something else or better yet, rest or sleep. You'll know it when you're ready again. Frequent studying in a short time is more effective than studying for hours. The brain can only hold few raw, unstructured information for a short period of time. So in conclusion, know more about your brain, and study with your brain.


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